Tuesday, November 16, 2010

mean ppl

What I have to say it didn’t happen to me but it happened to this girl . Well anyways one day some groups of people from Cigarroa which I think are my friends came up with an idea. This girl likes this kid from cigarroa and the group of people which are made up of 4 people came up with an idea that if the kid asks her out and the next day break up with her and they thought it was going to be funny. The kid didn’t want to ask her out because he thought she was ugly which I think he isn’t the best one either. One of the members of the group went to go ask her out for him and I went and see. She asked her for him and she was all happy and excited I guess she was oh my god the guy I like is going out with me. She left happy and she left laughing and smiling and told the group that she said yes. I of course said, “hey dude what if she really likes you and you break her heart what if she commits suicide for you.” The next day he wanted to break her was already ready. Then comes the girl that asked the girl came and she said no I don’t want you to break her heart. I was like what the hell you wanted this to happen and you and everyone else wanted to laugh at her. Then next day which is today he wants to break her but I’m like all worried and I have like no idea what to do?? I think I shouldn’t even hang out with them anymore!!! Ugh they are so mean if he does it!! (>.<)  Hope she doesn’t commit suicide because she doesn’t deserve to get heartbroken like that.