Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Death knight

Death knights were once a peceful people. They were all races in the video game world of warcraft. Then when the Lich king came in a human who got a sword called the shadowmoure that made him mean and a killer. After that he was frozen for a long time then he came back called upon his dragon. when the dragon came out it flew over a large group of many diffrent races. The dragon then roared and they all had blue eyes and then became a followers of the lich king. In the end this death knight named Morgran was sent to be killed by the Lich King at a great battle that all the death knights were involed, but Morgran and the rest of the death knights survied. The leader of the other group the death knights fought told Morgran that he was sent to be killed. The Lich King came out and told them, and he left. The death knights wanted revenge for what the Lich King wanted to do to them. Morgran took over and he told ever Death knight to go to there Major city (orgrammiar for the horde, Stormwind city for the alliance) they went and made peace and became either horde or alliance.

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